Brain Injury Attorney With Expertise in Head Trauma

A brain injury can be devastating to your family, changing how you live and affecting how you function. If the injury was the result of another party’s negligence, you deserve to receive compensation for your injuries and the expenses they will continue to cost you. A New York City Brain injury attorney with expertise in head trauma can help you recover the money you need to live and thrive.

Medically, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are defined as any blow or impact to the head that disrupts the function of the brain. They can be mild, moderate, or severe, and they may have an immediate onset of symptoms or may have a gradual onset. Even TBIs that are categorized as “mild” can cause serious challenges and problems. TBIs can also be permanent, but they can also heal and improve with treatment.

Our experienced brain injury lawyers work closely with neurologists and other medical experts to gather evidence of your injuries. It is common for MRIs or other diagnostic testing to be inconclusive, and it is important that your TBI lawyer is familiar with the clinical presentation of such injuries and can work to show how the injury occurred.

As our attorneys review your case, we will calculate the full extent of your damages and losses. These can include ongoing medical care, lost wages and loss of future earning potential, emotional distress, diminished quality of life, and pain and suffering. Our attorneys will fight aggressively for the maximum amount available under New York law, whether your case settles or goes to trial.

We have a strong track record of success in proving that a head injury victim was injured because of the negligence of another. This includes cases involving motor vehicle crashes, construction accidents, nursing home abuse, and medical malpractice. We have experience negotiating with insurance companies on behalf of our clients and are prepared to take your case to trial if necessary.

We can also pursue punitive damages against the at-fault parties. These additional damages are designed to punish the responsible parties for particularly reckless conduct and can be awarded in addition to compensatory damages. Our attorneys have helped victims of TBIs recover millions of dollars in compensation for their injuries and future needs. Contact our office for a free consultation today to discuss how we can assist you. We are located in New York and serve clients nationwide. For your convenience, we offer phone and video conference consultations, and we will travel to meet you if needed. To get started, complete our online form or call us toll-free at 877-529-5279. We are available to answer your questions 24/7. New clients can receive a $500 credit toward their legal fees. Our firm accepts payment plans.

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