A Law Firm Specializing in Truck Accidents

Because of their size, speed, and weight, trucks, semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and 18-wheelers frequently cause devastating or fatal accidents when they collide with passenger vehicles. When this happens, the victims and their loved ones need to work with a law firm specializing in truck accidents to hold the negligent parties accountable for their damages and losses.

When a truck accident occurs, a thorough investigation needs to start immediately in order to preserve and protect evidence that may be altered or destroyed by other people or by the elements. This includes conducting expert mechanical inspections and obtaining driver logs, shipping manifests, and other critical documentation that can help determine what caused the crash and identify all entities responsible. Without these crucial pieces of evidence, your claim could be seriously compromised.

By performing a full and thorough investigation, an experienced New York City truck accident lawyer can also determine which entities are liable for your crash. In many cases, it is not just the truck driver who bears liability, but the trucking company as well. In other situations, the vehicle manufacturer or a repair facility may have provided inadequate maintenance and contributed to the crash. Finally, if the accident occurred due to dangerous roadway conditions, the agency that oversees road construction or repair may be held liable for your injuries.

After a crash with a large truck, it is essential that you seek immediate medical attention. Getting prompt treatment can limit complications and ensure that any internal injuries are identified and treated promptly. Once you are stable, a New York City truck accident attorney can help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

When an accident victim suffers serious injuries, they often need significant financial compensation to pay for medical bills, ongoing care, and loss of wages. However, every case is unique and there is no “average” settlement amount for a truck accident claim. Generally speaking, a successful claim can involve a combination of compensatory damages, including economic damages, like past and future lost income, and noneconomic damages, such as physical pain and suffering and emotional distress.

In the worst cases, a truck accident can lead to the death of a family member. If this is the case for you, it is critical that you contact a New York truck accident lawyer right away. This will allow you to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible parties.

To get started with your claim, contact a law firm specializing in trucking accidents today for a free case review. Your New York City truck accident attorney can answer your questions, review the evidence in your case, and provide you with a realistic assessment of what your potential recovery should be. Don’t settle for an insurance company that offers a bare minimum settlement. Instead, let a skilled NYC truck accident lawyer fight for your rights. Contact Raphaelson & Levine today to schedule your appointment. We represent injured individuals in New York City and throughout the metro area.

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